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AAJA Seattle Lunar New Year 2025 Banquet
Come celebrate AAJA Seattle’s 40th Anniversary and Year of the Snake with us in-person! We invite you to dress up for this sit-down dinner event at the historic Washington Hall Ballroom. The evening will include dinner, a Dessert Dash, a photo print silent auction and more! Our largest fundraiser of the year helps support our scholarship […]

AAJA Seattle board elections: Join our board
Interested in serving on the AAJA Seattle chapter board? We have a number of positions we’re looking to fill. If you are interested in running, please fill out this form by end of day Oct. 22. Per AAJA bylaws, all chapter officers must be full, dues-paying AAJA members. You must also be a dues-paying AAJA member in order to vote […]

Deadline Extended – Applications now open for 2024 Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarships
Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship Deadline: Oct. 23, 2024, 11:59 PM PST $1,200 Cash Award Apply if you are an aspiring journalist. Scholarship will include a $1,200 cash award, and a mentor who works as a journalist in the Pacific Northwest. For 40 years, the Northwest Journalists of Color have coordinated scholarships for aspiring journalists. […]

Applications now open for 2024 Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarships
Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship Deadline: Sunday, June 30, 2024, 11:59 PM PST $1,200 Cash Award Apply if you are an aspiring journalist. Scholarship will include a $1,200 cash award, and a mentor who works as a journalist in the Pacific Northwest. For 40 years, the Northwest Journalists of Color have coordinated scholarships for aspiring […]

Apply for a 2024 Training Stipend for Professional Journalists from NJC Training Fund
The Seattle Association of Black Journalists, PeriodistasNW and AAJA Seattle established a Northwest Journalists of Color Training Fund in 2023 to raise and disperse funds to professional journalists of color to use for training, including conventions, workshops, seminars, etc. Who is eligible?: Members of journalist of color organizations like SABJ, PeriodistasNW, IJA (formerly NAJA), AMEJA, SAJA etc. Note […]
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Since 1985, Seattle’s AAJA chapter has provided scholarships for students, professional development for journalists and service to the community in the Pacific Northwest.
The Seattle chapter promotes the association’s three-part mission:
:: To encourage young Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to enter the ranks of journalism. ::
:: To promote fair and accurate coverage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. ::
:: To increase the number of Asian American and Pacific Islander journalists and news managers in the industry. ::
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